Dolce & Gabbana D&G Mixed-material Space sneakers White

from 1 USD 320.00 + US$ 40.00/item Incl. 0.00% VAT

The new Space sneakers embody the distinctive details of two iconic lines.

  • SKU: #ASNDAG06

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The new Space sneakers embody the distinctive details of two iconic lines. the volume and shape of the Daymaster meet the bold, modern allure of the NS1. Coming in technical fabric, they feature calfskin, suede and rubber details.

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Dolce Gabbana (D&G)

Dolce & Gabbana is an Italian luxury fashion house founded in 1985 in Legnano by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. They met each other in 1982 in Milan club and designed for the fashion brand of Giorgio Correggiari. In 1983, they established a designer consulting studio under the name "Dolce & Gabbana".They presented their first women's collection in 1985 in Milan, where a year later their store would open its doors. In 1987, Dolce & Gabbana presented the Women's SS 1988 fashion show entitled Il Gattopardo/The Leopard line, and in 1989 they began designing underwear and swimming costumes. Dolce & Gabbana started to export their products to Japan and other countries including the United States, where they founded their own showroom in 1990. In 1990,the same year they presented their men's collection for 1991/1992, they also launched their first perfume Dolce & Gabbana.

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